Embrace The Flow

Month 1
First Month Registry
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Did anything significantly change since the last questionnaire?
(For example: home, educational status, marriage, work, hormonal contraceptive/birth control pill, weight/BMI) (BMI calculation: weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) (example: 60 kg and 1.65 m: 60/1.65 2 = 22.04 = 22.0 BMI)
Did you use any app or calendar to track your menstruation this month?
Have you been currently diagnosed with anemia (not enough red blood cells) from a doctor this month?
Have you been diagnosed with any vaginal disease, such as vaginosis (infection of vagina), from a doctor this month?
Did you take any Health supplements this month?
Did you stain your clothes because of your menstruation this month?
How much blood did you lose during your menstruation this month?
(The amount of your menstruation fluid multiplied by 0.36) (Example: you had around 20 regular tampons/pads (approx. 5 ml) in total = approximately 100 ml menstruation fluid x0.36 = 36 ml blood)
Which menstrual product did you use this month?
Is this your preferred menstrual product?
(Please indicate if regular or for heavy flow)
Is that your normal amount?
How often did you change or clean your preferred menstrual product this month?
Did you have any adverse side effects using your preferred menstrual product this month?
How satisfied were you with your menstrual product this month?
How often did you shower generally this month?
Do you use soap or special genital soap every time?
Do you use water, soap or special genital soap (e.g V Wash) to wash your genital area?
(Including hygiene material and other expenses such as special food or new clothes)
Did you have any PMS (premenstrual syndrome) symptoms this month?
(For example: mood swings, tiredness, bloating, stomach/lower pain, breast pain/sensitivity, change in appetite)
How was your mood before menstruation?
How was your mood after menstruation?
How was your mood during menstruation?
Did you feel disturbed by your menstruation this month?
Did you eat anything special during your menstruation this month?
Did your menstruation stopped you from going to school or work this month?
How do you generally feel about your menstruation this month?
Second Month
Third Month
Fourth Month
Fifth Month
Sixth Month
Seventh Month
Eighth Month
Ninth Month
Tenth Month
Eleventh Month
Twelfth Month

To begin participating, please log in or create an account.

Please note that every month we will ask about your approximate blood flow, so please try to note down how many tampons/pads/menstruation products you used that month or how much blood flow was in your menstruation cup.
Thank you for your participation! If you have any questions, please reach out to us:

Dr. Smita Karpate

Phone number: +91 9108005232
Email: smita@graynwhite.com

Introductory anonymous Questionnaire for The Health Commune one-year follow-up study on menstruation management and perception of Indian adolescent girls from urban environment


Thank you for participating in our study, we would like to ask you to answer all questions as honest as possible as it is anyways anonymous.